Pushcart Nomination, Marin Poetry Anthology, 2019, for " Long Distance"
Editor’s Choice Award, for “Sarah Mae,” in annual Allen Ginsberg Poetry Contest, 2022
Honorable Mention Award for “Who Am I?” in annual Allen Ginsberg Poetry Contest, 2023
Leah Maines, Publisher of Finishing Line Press nominated Donna's new full-length book, "The Place of Our Meeting," for a California Book Award, February, 2018.
Allen Ginsberg 2017 Poetry Award, Editor's Choice Award, for “Shining Brown Hair”
Essay Finalist, 24th Annual Tom Howard/John H Reid Fiction and Essay Contest, for, "White Peaches," October, 2016.
Trio Award 2016, Finalist: Donna's first full length book, "The Place of Our Meeting," was selected as a Finalist for the Trio Award, 2016 by Trio House Press.
Allen Ginsberg 2015 Poetry Award, May, 2015, Honorable Mention, for “First Day of Kindergarten and Eleven Years Later”
Quarterly Illuminations Winning Poem, March, 2015, Healdsburg Literary Guild: “Beside Salmon Creek”
Persimmon Tree: One of 5 regional winners, “West Coast Poetry, 2014”
Poem: “Edna’s Baked Goods”
Pushcart Nomination, Gemini Magazine, 2013, for “Before AIDS was a Word”
Gemini Magazine “Best of the Net,” 2012
Redwood Writers Second Prize, 2010 “Following Hay”
Naugatuck River Review semifinalist (2010) “Following Hay”
California State Poetry Society, “Best of the Best” award for December, 2008
Tiny Lights, A Journal of Personal Narrative, Flash prizes:
Second prize, 2007 “The Orchard”
First prize, 2010, “Pressed Pants, Grosgrain Ribbons”
Labyrinth Society, 2nd prize, 2005, “Unexpected Meditation”